  • 期刊


The Persistent Symptom of Dysuria After Antibiotic Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection-A Case Report




泌尿道感染 淋證 豬苓湯 歸脾湯


This is a 22-year-old female suffered from dysuria after curing candida vulvovaginitis. The initial result of the urine culture was negative, but it showed abnormal data in the urine routine. However, after taking antibiotics, the patient went to OPD of traditional Chinese medicine because the symptom of dysuria was still present. After taking Chinese medicine for 1 week, the frequency of dysuria significantly reduced, and the symptoms totally improved in the next 2 weeks of the traditional Chinese medicine therapy. By this case, we can concluded that the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can improve the symptom of dysuria caused by urinary tract infection.


Michael J. Bono, Wanda C. Reygaert : Urinary Tract Infection. 2021 Jun 23. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-.
Charles Lung-Cheng Huang, Ming-Ping Wu, Chung-Han Ho , Jhi-Joung Wang: The bidirectional relationship between anxiety, depression, and lower urinary track symptoms: A nationwide population-based cohort study. J Psychosom Res. 2017 Sep; 100: 77-82.
UpToDate: Acute simple cystitis in women.
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