



Patient safety is of utmost importance during an examination. For patients with physical disabilities, the radiographer often takes radiographs with the patient lying down. However, there are clinical indications for a standing lateral lumbar radiograph, such as the assessment for herniated discs or degeneration in compression fractures or post-operative lumbar radiographs assessing degrees of compression. The risk of falls and blurred images during a standing lumbar radiograph persist despite holding rails. This case-control study utilizes a chair as an assistive device for obtaining lateral lumbar radiographs and compare with traditional standing method. In the control group (standing), 328 patients were enrolled (male 157, female 171, age range 42 to 86 years old, mean age 67 years old). There were 124 patients (37.8%) requiring assistance of the caregiver and 10 images (3.1%) were blurred. In the study group (sitting), 346 patients were enrolled (male 166, female 180, age range 44 to 89 years old, mean age 65 years old). One patient (0.3%) required the assistance of the caregiver and 1 image (0.3%) was blurred. By utilizing a chair to lateral lumbar radiographs, the safety of the patient assured whilst image quality is improved.
