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Exploring the Teaching Strategies to Guide Persons with Severe Visual Impairment for Using Smartphones




The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore strategies for teaching people with moderate and severe visual impairment (VI) to learn to use a smartphone. Participants are all adults with VI, including 5 smartphone instructors and 17 learners. The research conducted a qualitative analysis of verbatim interviews transcript, and the instructors' teaching records. The research findings are divided into the following 6 aspects: (1) Strategies to help locate the external structure of smartphones. (2) Strategies for using operation gesture performance and finger dexterity and strength. (3) Strategies to establish a mental map for improving the efficiency of searching for pictorial buttons. (4) Enhancing the efficient use of telephone functions. (5) Teaching strategies for improving the input ability of smartphones. (6) Strategies for using smartphone Apps to expand the functionality of smartphones. In addition, this study found that the needs and interests of people with VI in using smartphone are in social interaction, independent traveling and movement, and leisure activities. This study also provides suggestions for future research.


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