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A Contemporary Adaption and Transformation of Chinese Folk Religion: Revelations Brought by the Huiling 會靈 (Collective Trance) Movement



After the 1990s, in the local religious sphere in Taiwan, Huiling, a spirit writing movement, rose as a flourishing collective, a group that now receives widespread scholarly attention. This paper seeks to move forward from previous research and, through this example, discuss the subject of how Han Chinese folk religion faces the transformations of modernity and correspondingly adapts. Huiling is an image of collectively shared Han Chinese local beliefs; moreover, it is a system of religious practices, transformed in its intrinsic meaning from a symbolic system that had its origins in folk religious beliefs. This system exists simultaneously with folk religious beliefs and extends that symbolic system of Han Chinese folk religion into the contemporary world with a higher plausibility. This paper points out that, in the contrast between two forms of exposition, coherence theory and correspondence theory, Han Chinese folk religious beliefs can be regarded as a of kind disconnect from empirical evidence and possess a propositional system, intrinsically harmonious with this form of coherence theory. This system is openly facing the challenges engendered by the empirical evidence of modernity. As we observe through this example of the Huiling, its methods of adaptation are not those that answer to empirical evidence, but are instead a new model of transformation and practice that results from internal alterations to enter an even more transcendent standing and progress as a declaration of truth and bodily links. In this example of the Huiling, this new orientation includes remolding the emergence of a new systemization of the xiantian ling 先天靈 (spirits of the prior heavens), Xiantian mu 先天母 (Mother of the Prior Heavens), huiling 會靈 (collective of spirits), and a fresh definition of old landscape. This new orientation of symbolic markers assists in increasing the transcendency of Han Chinese folk religion and helping belief systems adapt in the present age.




融貫理論 會靈 漢人民間信仰 私人宮壇 現代性


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