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The Relationship Among Education Development, Health Investment, Healthy Environment, Social Development and National Health: Evidence From World Bank Database




Newborns mortality, adult male and female mortality, and life expectancy were important indicators to measure national health. They were an important aspect of measuring the degree of national modernization. This study analyzed the relevant factors of national mortality and life expectancy in 52 countries. From the data of the World Bank (2020), through regression analysis tested, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) Education enrollment rate was a negative and significant association with newborns death, mortality of children under five, and adult females, and a positive and significant association with female life expectancy irrespectively. (2) There were significantly negative and positive correlations between country's health expenditure per capita and adult male and female mortality and life expectancy irrespectively. However, the ratio of government health expentiture to gross national product in 52 countries was not significantly related to national income and national health. (3) The rate of sanitary equipment in 52 countries was significant negatively associated with newborn's mortality, children under five mortality, and adult mortality, and positive significantly associated with life expectancy respectively. (4) The higher the fertility rate in 52 countries, the higher the newborn's mortality; and the degree of urbanization and unemployment had no significant correlation with the mortality of newborns, children under five and adults irrespectively. The contribution of this research lied in the finding of human capital after education investment, as well as important factors related to health expenditure per capita and the rate of sanitation equipment and national health. This research had in-depth discussions on the results and made recommendations.


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