  • 期刊


The Way of Great Vehicle in Early Lingbao Scriptures: The Transformation of Daoist Scriptures in Medieval China




道教 靈寶經 大乘 《度人經》 救度


When Mahāyāna Sūtras were translated into China, certain concepts were borrowed by authors of Chinese scriptures. Among these local scriptures, Lingbao scriptures had close connection with Buddhist scriptures. The Buddhist view of Mahāyāna, along with the concept of salvation prompted Chinese writers to reconfigure that idea of universal salvation in ways that led to new conceptions and helped foster the positions of the Lingbao scriptures. This article examines the borrowing and transformation of the concept of "Mahāyāna" in the context of Buddho-Daoism and discusses how the Lingbao Mahāyāna scriptures were established. The author tries to examine 4^(th) to 5^(th) centuries Buddhist and Daoist scriptures that endorsed a version of Buddhist idea of Mahāyāna. The focus is on how the Lingbao texts engage and appropriate Buddhist ideas, rather than how those ideas influenced these Daoist texts. This study will focus on four dimensions: First, analysis the usage of "Mahāyāna" in various translated scriptures before Kumarajiva; Second, examine the adaptation of "Mahāyāna" in Lingbao scriptures; Third, investigate "Mahāyāna" as an Universal Salvation in Lingbao scriptures; Fourth, discuss the relationship between Lingbao scriptures and Sukhāvatīvyūha- sūtra, especially the notion of punitive hell and the possibility of a ritual transfer of merit to rescue the dead from them.


Daoism Lingbao Mahayana Book of Salvation Universal Salvation


