  • 期刊


On the Origin of Li Qi Xian's Ci-ology




高麗 詞學 李齊賢 現地研究


Xu Ju Zheng (1420-1488) spoke very highly to Ci-poetry of Li Qi Xian (1288-1367) in Dong Ren Shi Hua (Korean poetry Talks). As known, Li was a prominent poet during Koryo Dynasty. Xu was attributed to Li's works, however by considering the Korean difference from Chinese characters has rendered the failure of posing Ci-poetry. It is because Li had traveled to the north of China and to learn Chinese Ci-poetry, and this is specious argument. Based on Xu's opinion, Li's Ci-ology is groundless. I discover that many writers posed Ci-poetry apart from Li and Li's CI-poems demonstrate that they originated from Northern Song and Jin Dynasties. Based on the score and singing methods borrowing from China, writers including Li in Koryo Dynasty were able to pose Ci-poems as Geisha might sing in Koryo-Chinese characters. Hence, Li began to write Ci-poems before he traveled to China. Besides, Li with his fellows learned Mongolian rather than Chinese characters during their visit Yuan Dynasty. All of these establish undoubtedly that Xu's assertion that Li's Ci-poetry are originated from Chinese is an erroneous arguments.


宋.蘇軾撰,孔凡禮點校:《蘇軾文集》,北京:中華書局,1986。[Song] Su Shi, Su Shi Wen Ji [Su Shi’s Essay Collections] Collated by Kong Fan Li (Beijng: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986).
金.元好問輯:《翰苑英華中州集》,收入王雲五主編:《四部叢刊正編》集部第97 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1979。[Jin] Yuan Hao Wen ed., Han Yuan Ying Hua Zhong Zhou Ji [Zhong Zhou Collections] adopted in Si Bu Cong Kan Zheng Bian [Main Compilation of Collected Books Organized into Four Categories] Vol.97 (Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 1979).
元.朱德潤:《存復齋文集》,收入《續修四庫全書》集部第1324 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,2002。
