  • 期刊


Superstition and Innovation-On the Landscape Writing and Religious Visions of Bing-Ding Hsu's Xiao Feng Shen




Xiao Feng Shen is regarded as a supernatural novel to write the folk tales of Tainan. Hsu Bing Ding constructed a celestial space with Tainan as the spectacle. This paper aims to discuss how Hsu Bing-Ding records Tainan and how the celestial world in Xiao Feng Shen structures the sacred space? From the perspective of landscape writing, the significance of writing Tainan in the world of Xiao Feng Shen, whether it is a fictional story or is in line with the actual temples, or Hsu's imagination, it shows Tainan local characteristics adequately. Moreover, these stories are present in Tainan people's collective memory and continue to ferment. The uniqueness of the landscape writing mode is endowing with deep meaning. Although he said that his writing aim was to "dispel superstitions," he was the first to present the belief vision of ordinary people in Tainan at that time. Hsu retained many precious legends and even highlighted the realistic appearance of combining legends and beliefs. Based on the past research, this paper tries to analyze Xiao Feng Shen's influence on the belief vision and landscape writing in Tainan and Xiao Feng Shen's influence on the development of Tainan folklore and culture.


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