  • 期刊


Alternative Thoughts on Contemporary Interpretation and Life Practice of Confucianism: A Preliminary Exploration of a Dialogue between Yangmingism and Virginia Satir's Theory




Satir's theories were initially being used for family therapy and psychological counseling, but She advocates the equal value of all people, that everyone has an inherent spiritual foundation and sanctity, and that it can show the vitality of the universe. Most of the ideas are similar to the purpose of Mencius' good-by-nature concept. Yang Ming's mind theory is directly inherited from Mencius's spirit and spread to the extent that even ordinary people could easily learn it. This article attempts to verify the essence of Confucianism with Satir's theories and then translate and reinterpret the profound philosophies of Yangmingism through Satir's simple and simple language. Wang's conscience and heavenly principles are what Satir calls the spiritual self and the universal life force. It is hoped that this paper can create more possibilities for future interdisciplinary research, facilitating people's understanding of traditional Confucianism and their practice and implementation of it in their lives.


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明‧黃宗羲著:《明儒學案》,收入沈善洪主編:《黃宗羲全集》第 7 冊,杭州:浙江古籍出版社,2005。[Ming] Huang Zong Xi, Ming Ru Xue An [Ming Confucians and Their Teachings] adpt. in Shen Shan Hong, Huang Zong Xi Quan Ji [Complete Works of Huang Zongxi] Vol. 7 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005).
