  • 期刊


"Tao-Being" and "Mind": An Observation of the Deepening and Derivation of Zhu Studies in Cai Qing's Primary Introduction to the Four Books




蔡清 四書蒙引 朱學 閩學 儒學


Cai Qing integrated the imperial examination and the classics with the Primary Introduction to the Four Books. It aims to return to the sages, Zhu studies, and the Confucianists to consciously examine the results and establish a path to think about the sages in the classics. Therefore, particular emphasis is placed on the management of the mind by focusing on the word "Xu," it is implemented from self-cultivation. On the other hand, deepening the pedigree of Taoism and reshaping the status of Confucius as a saint has become the spirit of the Min School. Chen Chen's Elementary Explanation of the Four Books and Lin Xiyuan's Questions on the Four Books followed and became one of significant achievements of the Ming Confucianism.


宋‧朱熹撰:《四書章句集注》,臺北:長安出版社,1991。[Song] Zhu Xi, Si Shu Zhang Ju Ji Zhu [Collected Notes on Chapters and Sentences of Four Books] (Taipei: Chang’ An Press, 1991)
宋‧楊簡撰:《慈湖遺書》,收入《景印文淵閣四庫全書》集部第 95 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986。[Song] Yang Jian, Ci Hu Yi Shu [The Book of Cihu Legacy] adpt. in the Complete Library of the Four Treasures, Wenyuange Edition Vol. 95 (Taipei: The Commercial Press Ltd., 1986).
明‧方孝孺撰:《遜志齋集》,收入《景印文淵閣四庫全書》集部第 174 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986。
明‧林希元撰:《四書存疑》,日本承應 3 年(1654)刊本。[Ming] Lin Xi Yuan, Si Shu Cun Yi [Questions on the Four Books] Jōō Era 3rd year (1654) Publication.
