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An Application of Game-based Learning Courseware for Senior High School Audio and Video Art




To shorten the distance between life and art, a new course, Applied Art, was added to the high school curriculum. However, it is difficult to design and deliver the material due to the broad definition and fluid nature of art. This is especially true where technical combinations and multi-media application are required. The goal of this paper is to develop a game-based learning material suitable for the "Audio and Video Art" course in high school. The project is created based on a chapter of a book, modified into an serious game. The game utilizes the principle and design of Situated Learning to incorporate the curriculum into the story and setting. This approach allows the users to absorb the material through playing the game without the pressure of conscious learning. The result shows that game-based learning is more effective amongst under-performing students. In contrast, it is less effective amongst high-performing students, to the extend where it is worse than traditional teaching in some cases. Second, the feedback and guidance of a teacher are irreplaceable by game-based learning. Third, regardless of the effectiveness, game-based learning has a positive effect on the students' attitude and interest.


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