  • 期刊


A Study on the Appropriation of Integrating Digital Game into Color Teaching and Learning


在藝術與設計科系的課程中色彩學被視為非常重要的核心基礎,且被列為必修課程之一,相關練習與實作也很多。然而學生在消化嚴肅的色彩理論之餘,在實作上卻也受限於練習材料,如:紙張、顏料種類的影響,導致實作效果呈現品質不一的情況。而且單純的平塗色票或配色練習,若無法與日常生活經驗產生連結,也容易減低學生色彩學習的興趣。本研究希望藉由結合數位遊戲中情境模擬與所見即所得的特性,擬定有效之教學設計,結合數位遊戲與色彩教學應用在課堂之中。本研究以臺北市某大學視覺藝術學系的學生為實驗對象。應用數位遊戲「模擬市民3」之角色、場景客製化設計功能,進行色彩教學與配色練習,經由量化比較分析及課後訪談,研究結果發現:1.「模擬市民3」之角色、場景客製化設計功能,具情境模擬與即時回饋等特性,能符合色彩教學與配色練習之需求;2. 使用「模擬市民3」進行色彩練習,不但能帶給學生樂趣,亦能增強學生學習色彩的興趣與動機、學生對於配色練習適切性與課程滿意度也呈現高度回饋。


Chromatics is considered as very an important core foundation and is listed as one of the required courses in most of art and design curriculum. However, incomprehensible color theories along with many exercises usually cause students to loss their interest in colro learning and practices. On the other side, the skill to control technique and materials for color practices, such as paper or inks, are also make student frustrated. Nowadays, many digital games provide possibilities for users to design their own game characters and scenes. Some games, such as The Sims 3(TS3), even equip with color picker design tool for users to customize their colors theme while designing their own characters and scenes. Adopting the color picker design tool of the digital game TS3, this research was conducted to discuss the appropriation and learning effects of integrating digital game into Chromatics teaching and learning. This research used pre-experimental designs. The objects of study are the Visual Arts students at Taipei Municipal University of Education. The researcher applied the color picker design tool of TS3 to conduct the same procedure. The result shows as below based on the pre-tests and post-tests: 1. The color picker design tool of TS3 can simulate situations and provides real-time feedback, which fulfills the requirement of color teaching and color matching practices. 2. The result of study also shows that the color picker design tool of TS3 has led to a significant outcome in students’ color matching practice. The students provide positive feedback in utilizing TS3 for color matching.




