  • 會議論文


Laban Movement Analysis: A Key to kinetic intelligence Process of Awareness in 3D Animation


動畫師埋首勤於建構動作之間的增值(interpolation)、關鍵動作幀(key frames)以及中間畫(in betweens)。對角色動作的物理性不停深入探索細究的結果,導致動畫的表演動作更趨向接近人類情感直覺互動的摹擬,也促使製作的3D軟體朝更具強大的寫實功能取向進化發展。本文概談2D與3D動畫的繪製的歷史文本,並採用拉邦動作分析系統(Laban Movement Analysis)援以動作案例分析說明。質地分析(effort)是在人體之於空間的概念下,透過身體與心理在空間裡的感知過程,對人類動作的外貌表現的觀察與內在情緒的描繪,動畫師借重拉邦質地分析語彙,在建構3D模型時對動作的型態分析理解,期以能拉近動畫創過程中,動畫師自身與創建的角色動作間逐漸形成的體感智能察覺的表達與溝通上的鴻溝。本文認為善用質地的分析語彙可以幫助動畫師在動作創建的過程,有更合於人體動力學以及對應空間與物件邏輯性的理解,俾使角色人物表演動作與觀者的溝通功能更顯深化與信實。


Animators focus on 「increments」、「key frames」 and 「inbetweens」 when making animation. The more physical orientation movement they pursuit, cause the acting in animation tend to interact intuitively closer human emotions and also the more powerful software features contributed towards the evolutionary。In this paper, the historical context on 2D and 3D animation addressed briefly first, then examination of the movement observation, description and analysis follow to proceed with Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). Effort is one of 4 categories of LMA, associated with thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting, relationships of body and mind expression. By articulating qualities of 「Effort」, character animation effectively supported by integrating biomechanics (function) with acting (expression) movement. The purpose of this paper demonstrates that how animators can enhance understanding the relationship between kinetics and physic by applying with the qualities Effort analysis of LMA. This is how the kinesthetic process of awareness as the key for animators to express and communicate with authentic motion through animation.
