  • 會議論文


Research and Design of Multimedia Teaching Materials for Astronomy Education




The application of virtual reality in various industries has taken on a significant role. Technology is changing rapidly in recent years, and multimedia teaching materials have become an emerging tool in the education industry. Traditional paper-based educational tools are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of modern learners, and the new generation of multimedia teaching materials can allow learning to be unrestricted while enhancing learning effectiveness. The study of astronomy is mostly concerned with regions beyond the solar system, including stars, galaxies, and the entire universe. There are hundreds of billions of star systems in the Galaxy where the Earth is located, and the Solar System is only one of the hundreds of billions of systems. Serving as the major medium to promote and educate the nation about astronomy, the Taipei Astronomical Museum and Academia Sinica hold astronomy exhibitions and short animations to enhance readers' knowledge of astronomy. However, most of the presentation methods are static and lack interactivity. Therefore, this study focuses on the use of emerging media materials combined with astronomical themes to enhance readers' interactive experience and willingness to participate, so as to achieve the purpose of promotion. This study will design a complete and suitable astronomy multimedia teaching material for elementary school-aged children, hoping to use technology to help them understand the world of the universe. We will explore the "learning differences between multimedia and paper-based teaching materials" and "examples of using digital media and virtual reality in teaching games" through literary works, and then analyze and compare them to create astronomy-related multimedia teaching materials. At the same time, we will integrate the resources of existing astronomy education platforms to enrich the content of this teaching material, so as to arouse the interest of students and achieve the effectiveness of promoting astronomy.
