  • 期刊


The Supply of Water and Sports Drink at an International Multi-Sport Event: A Case Study From Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade


運動過程中,隨著汗液的分泌,人體會流失相當的水分及電解質,過去研究發現當人體水分流失大於2%體重時,會降低運動的表現能力。然過去研究少有在賽會期間運動用飲料需求的探討,故本文目的即是分析大型綜合賽會運動用飲料(瓶裝水及運動飲料)的供應量,以作為後續辦理相關賽事的單位參考。蒐集2017年臺北世大運賽會期間25項運動項目瓶裝水及運動飲料供應量,依運動賽事的特性(衝刺、團隊、重量、耐力及技巧)及競賽戶外與室內場地分組,比較不同特性間每人每日供應量(mL/人/日)的差異。整體供應量排名前三名運動項目依序為高爾夫12057 mL/人/日、足球8670 mL/人/日及射箭7234 mL/人/日。五種型態賽事運動用飲料供應量以技巧型運動最多,衝刺型最少,然無統計上顯著差異。戶外運動的運動用飲料供應量顯著高於室內,瓶裝水供應量,分別為3310 ± 2123 mL/人/日、1311 ± 686 mL/人/日;運動飲料3692 ±1964 mL/人/日、1558 ± 1048 mL/人/日。本屆賽事之戶外運動賽事運動用飲料供應量顯著高於室內運動,運動型態與運動用飲料供應量則無顯著差異。


Sweat evaporation during exercise results in a loss of body fluid and electrolytes. Previous studies have shown that fluid deficit of more than 2% of body weight reduces exercise performance. Sport drinks are designed to balance body fluid and electrolytes. This study aimed to compare the supply volume of bottled water and sport drinks in a large multi-sports event. The data of supply volume of bottled water and sport drinks of 25 sport items in the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade were collected. The data (mL/person/day) were grouped and compared by types (sprint, team, weight, endurance and skill) and places (indoor and outdoor) of sports. The top-3 sports in the ranking of bottled water and sport drinks consumption were golf (12057 mL/person/day), soccer (8670 mL/person/day), and archery (7234 mL/person/day). Among 5 different sport types, skilled exercise required the highest volume of sport drinks while sprinted exercise had the minimum volume, with no statistical difference between groups. In addition, the supply volumes of both bottled water and sport drinks in outdoor sports were significantly higher than those in indoor sports, with average supply of bottled water of 3310 ± 2123 mL/person/day and 1311 ± 686 mL/person/ day, and supply of sport drink of 3692 ± 1964 mL/person/day and 1558 ± 1048 mL/person/ day, respectively. We conclude that the supply volume of bottled water and sport drinks was different in places (indoor or outdoor) but not items or types of sport in the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade.
