  • 期刊


Risk Assessment Project in Regional Hospital Kitchen


醫院餐點供應之廚房是最忙碌的廚房種類之一,依據108年勞動檢查統計年報最高前五項依序為跌倒25.9%、被切、割、擦傷19.4%、與高溫低溫之接觸11.6%、不當動作6.9%、交通事故6.2%。本專案目的為使用危害識別和風險評估技術來評估區域型醫院廚房作業的各項危害和確認各項風險優先等級,來預防職業災害。本研究自2018年7月至2019年7月,蒐集北部某區域醫院廚房相關職業災害資料,利用風險評估技術,進行區域醫院廚房之危害鑑別與風險評估。在本院廚房意外事件統計如下,跌倒占44.4%,不當動作22.2%,被刺、割、擦傷、與高溫低溫之接觸與瓦斯外洩各占11.1%。經由勞動部職業安全衛生署臺灣職業安全衛生管理系統TOSHMS(Taiwan Occupational Safety & Health Management System)輔導與驗證,每次事件後採用規劃-執行-效果確認-行動、標準化(Plan, Do, Check, Action, PDCA)以提升安全衛生管理模式,提出改善措施、設備裝置改善、操作流程改善及防護用具增購,實現安全衛生管理目標。本研究成效為,通過TOSHMS驗證。本研究結論為,使用危害識別和風險評估技術來評估各項危害和確認各項風險優先等級,以利優先解決最危險的情況,作為職業災害事前預防措施。


Hospital kitchen is one of the busiest kitchen types. According to the Labor Inspection Statistics Annual Report in 2019, the five most common occupational injuries are slips (25.9%), cuts and grazes (19.4%), low- and high-temperature contacts (11.6%), musculoskeletal injures (6.9%), and traffic accident (6.2%). The current project aimed to evaluate harms and grade of risks in regional hospital kitchen operations for preventing occupational injuries. Data were collected from a regional hospital from July 2017 to July 2018, harms and grade of risks were evaluated by using hazard identification and risk assessment skills. We identified the following occupational injuries: slips (44.4%), musculoskeletal injures (22.2%), and cuts and grazes, low- and high-temperature contacts, and gas leakage (11.1% for each type). Execution strategy is to seek advice from and certification by the Taiwan Occupational Safety & Health Management System (TOSHMS). We carried out the Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA) on an accident to improve the safety and sanitary management model, proposing improvement plans, facilities, standard operation procedures, and the purchase of protective gear. The achievement of this project was that our hospital was successfully certificated by the TOSHMS. In conclusion, hazard identification and risk assessment skills can be used for assessing hazards and grade of risks for determining and prioritizing the most dangerous condition as a preventive measure for occupational injuries.
