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The Comparative Research of Specific Sentencing request and Sentencing in Criminal Cases




求刑 量刑 量刑因子 參考模組 量刑辯論


In May 2012, the Control Yuan proposed an amendment to the Ministry of Justice, which said the prosecutor's specific request for penalty would make people prejudice the case, and it also had greatly differences from the judge's sentencing. The judicial institution recognized the importance of sentencing appropriately, so the debate of death penalty cases in the Supreme Court was held in December 2012. Based on this, this research plan takes the relevant information on the sentencing factors, the degree of proof and the sentencing results of the foreign legal system on criminal cases as a refer, and conducts a complete literature review. And also conduct a comparative discussion with the sentencing information reference module that had currently established by the judicial institution. The results of the research show that the quantitative statistical analysis found that the limited imprisonments from judge's sentencing are not as same as Japan, instead of 10% off from requested penalty by the prosecutor. As for the main factors that will affect the specific request penalty by prosecutor: "the indictment states whether the perpetrator is confessing whether or not the crime is committed", "the indictment states whether there is a remorse after the crime", and "the indictment states whether the perpetrator is an accomplice". These are the main factors affecting specific sentencing request by the prosecutor. In other words, if the accused has a confession and remorse, it will affect the length of the prosecutor's request for penalty, and they are more possible to accept a lighter sentence than no confession and remorse; and if the defendant plays the role of accomplice in the criminal facts, compared with other accomplices, it is more likely to accept heavier requested penalty. The main factors that will affect the judge's sentencing: "The judgment states whether there is surrender after the crime", "Judge considers other unfavorable sentencing factors to defendants", these are the main factor affecting the judge's sentencing. In other words, if the defendant surrender after the crime, it is more likely to accept a lighter penalty than the unconfessed person. Although Article 62 of the national criminal code is clearly stipulated that there is a requirement for mitigating the penalty, it is found from the statistical analysis that the length of the imprisonment of surrendered is less 42 months than people don't surrender. And if the defendant is not reconciled, because other laws aggravate his sentence, kill the immediate blood relatives, and escape that are unfavorable to the defendant, he is more likely to accept heavier penalty. Finally, at the concrete conclusions, the position of our research team agrees with the prosecutor should specifically ask for a sentence. However, it is still necessary to establish a basis for the prosecutor to specifically request penalty, and to make the prosecutor's right of specific request penalty expressly stipulated. Sentencing factors in Article 57 of the Criminal Code are needed to be more explicit or more detailed for each factor, and it is considered that the Judiciary Proceedings should be strictly divided into a guilty plea and a sentencing procedure. Furthermore, in order to comply with the due process of law, prosecutor should prove the punishment factors used in the sentencing procedure to the judge. As for the sentencing factor and the establishment of a consistent standard, the study concluded that "sentencing guidelines" which are too specific may infringe the judge's independent judgment. The recent goal should be that whether the prosecutor is in the process of requesting penalty or the judge is sentencing, they should aim at the criminal causes, and then describe them in detail. After a long period of accumulation, we can establish a standard for sentencing that is suitable for Taiwan.


Peer Lorenzen,歐洲人權法院針對精神障礙罪犯量刑之判例研究,台灣人權學刊,第3卷,第2期,2015年12月,頁139 150。
王叢桂,從法律心理學來看法官的量刑心證一對民間司改會統計實證研究的回應,司法改革雜誌,第49期,2004年12月,頁20 21。
