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Crime Victim Rights and Participation Procedures in the International Criminal Court




Rome Statute is the first international criminal law that expressly guarantees the right of victims of crime to participate in criminal procedures and related protection and compensation measures. Thus, the International Criminal Court has become an indicator court for the protection of the rights of victims of crime. Crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court included Crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. In addition, the International Criminal Court has also been given the heavy responsibility of reuniting the torn society. The institutionalization of the victim's participation in the ICC proceedings is an important system for this purpose. The right of victims to participate in the International Criminal Court includes "the right to participate in litigation" and "the right to know the proceedings and related information." However, there are still many disputes and difficulties in the implementation of this right. This article will focus on the historical development and current status of the victim's right to participate in the proceedings of the International Criminal Court. And analyzes the problems and challenges faced by the victim participation system of the International Criminal Court.


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