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Technical Development of Microencapsulated Artificial Diets For Mallada basalis Walker


為研究發展大量繁殖天敵用之膠囊化人工飼料,以供作物害蟲綜合防治之所需,一種具溫度、壓力、液面調整裝置之微膠囊製作機原型機已裝置完成,可依狀態調整製作不同囊徑大小、囊殼厚薄之人工飼料微膠囊。實際製做成品後,從比較囊徑大小、囊殼厚薄及製做成功率之高低等因子,找出飼料槽溫度維持50±5℃,臘槽溫度為125±5℃,壓力保持0.7-0.8 kg/cm^2所製成之人工膠囊最佳,其囊徑僅465±68μm、殼厚約10μm、製囊成功率90%以上。以改良 Hassan and Hagen 配方之人工飼料微膠囊飼育基徵草蛉,並與飼以豆蚜、外米綴蛾卵之草蛉比較之,試驗結果顯示從草蛉發育期20.7天、羽化率為90%及成蟲產卵量348.5粒等三項生物特性來看,飼以人工膠囊之草蛉均有良好表現,人工飼料微膠囊飼育基微草蛉之效果得以確立。


A prototypical machine with control of temperature, pressure and fluid level was set up to make microcapsulated artificial diets for mass rearing of Mallada basalis Walker. The best conditions to make microcapsules were obtained by maintaining the temperatures of diet and wax tank at 50±5℃ and 125±5℃, a pressure of diet tank at 0.7-0.8 kg/cm^2, and keeping the needle-tip within 1 mm below the wax surface. Under these conditions microcapsules about 465μm in diameter and 10μm in thickness were produced with 90% success. When M. basalis larvae were reared with the microencapsulated artificial diets modified from Hassan and Hagen's formula, 90% of individuals reached the adult stage in 20.7 days and the females deposited 348.5 eggs on average. The results were comparable with those from rearing with eggs of Corcyra cephalonica or Aphis glycines. The microencapsulated artificial diet developed in this work seems promising for mass rearing of M. basalis.


Artificial diet microcapsule Mallada basalis
