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The Population Growth and Density-Dependent Mortality of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) with Various Initial Densities on Radish Leaf at Various Temperature


桃蚜 (Myzus persicae) 族群於蘿蔔葉上,不同定溫下族群增長時間及平均世代時間,隨溫度升高而縮短,以5℃時之60天為最長,30℃時之16天為最短。各定溫下皆以高起始密度16隻時之族群生長需時最短。族群增長總數以10℃時之3,547隻為最大,30℃時僅96隻為最小,各定溫之族群總數皆介於1,600-2,000隻之間。以25℃時起始密度為1隻之族群增長每日304隻為最高峰,低溫5℃及30℃之族群最高峰皆低於10-25℃者。桃蚜於蘿蔔葉上族群生長20天左右可達最高峰,隨後族群衰退,唯低溫者達最高峰之時間延後,而高溫時則提前。桃蚜之族群增長率隨溫度之升高,其波動愈大,20-30℃時之族群負荷能力 (carrying capacity) 遠高於低溫5-15℃者,其中以20℃下起始密度16隻之族群負荷能力為最大。各定溫下以起始密度高者,族群發展較快,種內競爭較明顯,族群之存活亦較短。15℃以上之定溫,密度依變死亡率(K值)之波動皆較低溫5℃及10℃者為大,且族群生長至未期死亡率直線上升,起始密度高者,K值直線上升之時間提前,族群滅亡之時間亦較早。15℃以上則隨溫度、起始密度升高,種內競爭愈趨嚴重,其爭奪性競爭 (scramble competition) 亦愈明顯。


The time required for population growth and the mean generation time of M. persicae on radish leaf were reduced with an increase of temperature. The population growth time was 60 days at 5℃ and 16 days at 30℃. The population growth time was always the shortest with a high initial densitty of 16 aphids/leaf when tested at various temperatures. The total number of aphid reached by any population was the largest at 10℃ with 3,547 aphids and the least at 30℃ with 96 aphids. The highest population growth rate was 304 aphids/day at 25℃ with an initial density of 1 aphid/leaf. The peak populations reached at the low temperature of 5℃ and the high temperature of 30℃ were always lower than those at 10-25℃. Usually the highest peak occurred about 20 days after initiation of population growth. However, peaks occurred later time at lower temperatures and were reached earlier at higher temperatures. The higher the temperature, the greater the fluctuations of population growth. The carrying capacity of aphids at 20-30℃ was higher than at 5-15℃, and the highest carrying capacity occurred at 20℃ with a high initial density of 16 aphids/leaf. The survival times of populations were usually shorter with higher initial densities , during which time population growth was faster and intraspecific competition was dominant. The density-dependent mortality was greater at temperatures above 15℃ than at the lower temperatures of 5℃ and 10℃. Mortality increased linearly to the end of population growth. Intraspecific competition was a scramble one.
