  • 期刊


Party Change, Constitutional Development and Democratic Consolidation


本文藉由台灣個案的分析,探討政黨變遷及憲政發展對於民主鞏固的影響。國內外學界對於「民主鞏固」的看法存在若干差異,然而不少學者同意Juan Linz和Alfred Stepan的觀點,一個鞏固的民主必須具備行為、態度與憲政三個層面的特質。以台灣現況而言,自2008年5月20日新舊政權順利交接迄今,我們已有理由相信台灣人民在行為與態度的層面上,較能展現尊重民主程序的成熟態度。然而在憲政的層面上,由於七次修憲所遺留的諸多體制問題,迄未解決,使得二次輪替後的新政府仍然面對巨大的挑戰。因此,本文的基本假定是台灣現階段憲政發展的趨向與結果直接影響民主鞏固的程度,而其中最重要的觀察指標就是憲政體制的運作是否能在最低限度上滿足「政治穩定」、「多元代表」與「權責相符」的目標。其次,藉由文獻探討與次級資料分析,本文發現政黨體系變遷過程中,由於「選票」、「官職」與「政策」等客觀條件上的變化,以及政治菁英本身主觀條件上的「偏好」與對「民意」、「法制」的角色認知,彼此交互作用之下所形成的政黨互動關係對於憲政體制的變革產生極大的影響,尤其具體反映在選舉制度、政府體制與政府組成等面向上。而這些面向恰可藉由「政治穩定」、「多元代表」與「權責相符」等衡量民主鞏固之指標來加以觀察,從而推論政黨變遷與民主鞏固之間是否也存在某種直接或間接的關係。為了支持上述的論證,本文另以德爾菲法(Delphi Method)與深度訪談法來獲取第一手的佐證資料,以推論未來台灣憲政體制的變化方向仍然受到上述因素的影響。本文研究結果顯示,目前就「政治穩定」、「多元代表」與「權責相符」等目標而言,台灣的憲政體制與運作方式似乎仍未達到民主鞏固的理想程度。


This essay explores the influence of party change and constitutional development on democratic consolidation by case study on Taiwan. There are different viewpoints on "democratic consolidation" in domestic and foreign academic circles. Nevertheless, quite a few scholars agree with Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan that a consolidated democracy has to possess characteristics on three dimensions: behavior, attitude, and constitutionalism. For Taiwan's present situation, we have sufficient reasons to believe that the Taiwanese people have cultivated a more mature attitude and behavior to respect the democratic procedures since the smooth transition of regimes. However, in regard to the constitutional aspect, many institutional problems left by seven rounds of constitutional amendments are yet to be solved and causes the new administration to face tremendous challenges after the second turnover. The basic hypothesis of this essay, therefore, lies in the trends and results of the present constitutional development in Taiwan, which will affect the level of democratic consolidation directly. And the most important indicator of observation is if the operation of the constitutional systems will satisfy the minimum demand from the objectives of "political stability", "pluralistic representation" and "conformability of power with accountability". Moreover, this essay discovers through literature reviews and secondary data analysis that, under the reciprocation of objective conditions, such as changes of "vote", "office" and "policy", as well as of subjective conditions, such as political elites' "preferences" and their role recognition toward "public opinions" and "legal institutions", party interactions have great effect on changes of constitutional systems during the process of party system changes, which reflect specifically upon electoral institutions, government systems and government formations. These aspects can be observed by indicators as "political stability", "pluralistic representation" and "conformability of power with accountability", which measure the level of democratic consolidation. Consequently, it is possible to infer that there is a direct or indirect connection between party change and democratic consolidation. For supporting the argument, this essay acquires first hand data as evidences with the Delphi questionnaires and in-depth interviews and infer that the developmental tendency of Taiwan's constitutional systems will continue to be influenced by above-mentioned factors. So far as the objectives of "political stability", "pluralistic representation" and "conformability of power with accountability" be concerned, the research results of this essay reveals that the constitutional system in Taiwan and its operation has not yet arrived at the ideal level of democratic consolidation.


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Laslett, Peter(ed.)(1988).Two Treatises on Government.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
