  • 期刊


LOHAS and Tourism - The Current Development and Prospect of Taiwan's Tourism


觀光休憩對現代人們的身、心、靈成長有莫大的助益。為了重視『樂活』的踐履,發展觀光產業有其必要性。正因旅遊已經成為日常生活不可或缺的主要休閒活動,旅遊不僅是休閒,更可透過觀光旅遊,體會世界各種不同的文化。當前諸多國家都將觀光產業納入國民經濟發展計畫的重要內容,期能透過觀光產業提高國家經濟收益。台灣有深厚的歷史背景、多采多姿的文化和豐富的文化遺產,加上近年來的旅遊熱潮,台灣已經成為旅遊開發的重點區域。市場競爭劇烈加上變化快速的環境下,如何設計出更為新穎的旅遊產品成為觀光產業追求成長的重點。行程規劃為旅遊產業之研發要項,研發有助於設計新與獨特的觀光行程。本文透過政策研究途徑,將置重點於政策評估。首先論述政府當前觀光產業政策內容 - 「觀光拔尖領航方案」之策略發展計畫;進一步,剖析台灣觀光產業之優點、以及有待檢討之處,提供該政策之修正參考;最後則分析台灣觀光產業改善的途徑,期使台灣觀光產業政策能呈現優質導引力量,吸引更多觀光客來台灣,更重要是透過觀光產業展現台灣的「軟實力」,讓更多觀光客想來台灣,對台灣的政治、經濟、社會、文化各個層面留下深刻的印象。有助台灣經濟的發展,國際地位與形象的提升。


Tourism is good for modern people to comfort their body, mind, and soul. For the sake of fulfilling lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS), it is very important to develop our tourism. Tourism has become an essential activity nowadays. It's not only an entertainment, but also an opportunity for culture experience. Therefore, most countries expect to increase nation's income via tourism. Taiwan has a lot of cultural heritages. Recently, tourists, especially those from Mainland China, are fascinated by Taiwan's fantastic views. Taiwan has become a target area for travel development. In order to search for wider development, central government, local government, and private travel agencies have designed more innovative travel products. Tour planning is the designing of travel products which focuses on "How to design innovative and unique tour itineraries." This study tries to utilize the research method of policy decision-making; especially it will focus on evaluation studies. First, this essay tries to state the current Taiwan's policy of tourism - "the top priority of tour planning". Secondly, this essay will analyze the tourism's advantages and disadvantages. Finally, this essay wants to offer some countermeasures for improving Taiwan's tourism. Therefore, Taiwan's tourism can draw more tourists to visit and show Taiwan's "soft power" to elevate Taiwan's international position.


LOHAS tourism cultural heritage policy evaluation soft power
