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Feminism and the Study of International Relations




Based on the Women's Right Movement, the Feminism has spread the academia since 19^(th) century. However, in the field of International Relations, the voices of Feminists had rarely been heard before 1990s. In the past, the International Relations focus on the "High Politics", meaning the concepts of international system, national interest, power and security. On the contrast, the Feminists research from the perspective of "gender'. They challenge the ontology and epistemology of conventional International Relations. On ontology, Feminists focus on "human' and "social relations". They argue that International Relations should not neglect the impact of human relationship on states' behaviors. On epistemology, Feminists question the given concepts of International Relations, such as national Interest, power, anarchy and security. They think these concepts are gendered, and insist that a gender-equal knowledge system should be established. Feminism brings new approaches, new perspectives and new issues to the conventional International Relations studies. They do make undeniable contributions to the establishment of theory system in International Relations.


Castells , Manuel、夏鑄九譯、黃麗玲譯(2002)。認同的力量。台北:唐山。
Michel, Andrée、張南星譯(1997)。女權主義。台北:遠流。
Tickner, Ann(1997).You Just Don't Understand: Troubled Engagements Between Feminists and IR Theorists.International Studies Quarterly.612.
Carlsnaes, Walter(ed.),Risse, Thomas(ed.),Simmons, Beth A.(ed.)(2002).Handbook of International Relations.London:SAGE.
