  • 期刊


On the Viewpoint of Democratic Politics: An Example of Freedom and Equality




民主 政治 民主政治 意識型態 自由 平等


This essay try to discuss the building steps of democratic foundation of human being in terms of democracy and political development, in order to understand the real content of the idea of democracy, and also we can have a clear view of the degree of progress of it make use of the method of documentary analysis, we know there are tremendons differences in the ideas and institutions of democracy and equality around the world. Secondly, the most valuable part of democracy is the reasonable attitude of scepticism, that is , the pragmatism of dealing to everything or problem. The author try to explore the necessity of democray in terms of ideology and the standpoint of freedom and equality, then explain that how to carry out modern democracy from the tradition in terms of the viewpoint of democracy. At least , the real essence of democracy is to eduocate the necessity of social democracy politics, to realize the real dominance of politics by the people, to let the people possess the most basic rights of democracy, to let the people share of equal goal of democracy, that is , to realize the true governance of the state, and achieve the real identification of social democracy, fullfill the real value and ideal of democracy in our own country.


Democracy politics democracy consciousness state freedom equal


楊逢泰˙邵宗海˙洪泉湖˙謝政諭合編,<支族、氏族、部落、部族和民族>,《民族主義論文集》,(臺北:黎明文化,1993 年 9 月),頁 1-15。
Oa Keshott 所編(Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1946) p.138. 頁 137
Robert F.Saseen 撰”Freedom as an end of politics”載 Interpretation:A journal of political philosophy,2(1971),p. 105-125 .
Harold D. Lasswell,Politics : Who Gets What ;When ,How ,New York : Mc Grew-Hill,1936.;臺北:時報,1993。
江宜樺著,《自由民主的理路》,(臺北:聯經出版公司,民國 90 年 9 月初版)
