  • 期刊


Prospective Analysis of the Cultural Tourism Development in Macao




As a famous tourist city in China, Macao has attracted around 40 million people to visit each single year, making its gambling industry extremely prosperous, for which it is also well known as "Monte Carlo of the Orient." With the prosperous development of gambling industry, there are a few weaknesses that many people living in Macao ignored for a long time. For example, this Chinese region has relied too much on the gambling industry economically. When it comes to the development of tourism, the government only put their effort on the gambling industry as well, with very few local cultural specialties or tourism products of world heritage being focused on. In recent years, the "cultural tourism" has become a new trend for international tourism industry. More and more tourists hope to experience the culture of their destinations, even to spend more time interacting with local people. Affected by this concept and environment, the government of Macao started to promote "in-depth travel." By discussing the concept of "cultural tourism" and understanding the unique conditions of cultural tourism in Macao, the prospect and necessity of "cultural tourism" in Macau have been analyzed in this study. In addition, suggestions are also proposed to solve the problem with oversimplification of tourism products in Macao.


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