  • 期刊


The Study on State Identity, National Identity and Cultural Identity in Cross-Strait Relations




Identity is a concept arising from a collective group. Identity also emphasizes the common ownership of group members similar or identical attributes. The main research purpose of this article is to explore the three national identities in cross-strait relations, including national identity, national identity and cultural identity All three national identities cause problems This article first discusses the concept of identity, covering national identity, national identity and cultural identity Second, discuss China's national identity and world view since ancient times Finally, Applying to cross-strait relations, including differences in national identity between the two sides of the strait is a challenge to the construction of cross-strait relations. The existence of differences in ethnic identities across the strait makes it difficult to establish a holistic view of the Chinese nation in cross-strait relations. De-Chinese makes cultural identity an obstacle to cross-strait relations This article uses literature analysis to achieve the purpose of this article.


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