  • 期刊


Discussion on Cross-Strait Relations After Biden Elected in the Presidential Election of the US in 2020




美國大選 拜登 九二共識 新冷戰


The 2020 U.S. presidential election is the focus of attention of all countries, including the roundabout offensive and defensive of the two sides before the election, and even the conspiracy theory of the election war. Although the current U.S. President Trump threatened to initiate legal proceedings, as the elections of both parties became clearer, With the universal certification of many mainstream media in the United States, the position of many Republican elders, and the fact that many countries have sent messages to congratulate Biden on his election, it should be a definite trend to visit the next White House. This presidential election not only determines the future development of the US political situation, but also relates to the next stage of Sino-US relations and the evolution of the Taiwan Strait situation. This article is based on the 1992 Consensus and the elaboration of Taiwan's various ruling periods, reflecting the evolution of the increasingly tense relationship between the Taiwan Strait in recent years. Under the competition between the two powers of China and the United States, the policy analysis of the new US ruling team in the future will have a dramatic impact on Taiwan's future international status and relations with China. This article also hopes that Taiwan will make a breakthrough decision in this chaotic and difficult stalemate in the future.


U.S. Election Biden 1992 Consensus New Cold War


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