  • 期刊


The Feasibility Study on Military Mutual Trust Mechanism of Cross-Strait Relations


「信心建立措施」可謂世界各國相關安全對話與機制的建立之適切溝通措施。 藉此增加相互之間的瞭解與降低因誤解而造成之敵意。因此發展出許多做法與周延有效的對話機制。而軍事互信機制屬於「信心建立措施」運作的一種執行項目,本文主要透過軍事互信機制之探討,使其對於兩岸未來和平發展有所助益,使兩岸關係朝向更健全更正面的方向發展。本文首先針對西方信心建立措施進行文獻檢視,而後就兩岸學者對於軍事互信機制之文獻檢視,緊接著對於兩岸對於軍事互信機制之內容進行分析,最後台灣對於軍事互信機制之可行性分析。本文在研究方法上採取文獻分析法,透過對於相關資料的蒐集與分析,以瞭解問題的爭點。


Confidence-building measures can be described as appropriate communication measures for the establishment of relevant security dialogues and mechanisms for all countries in the world. Confidence-building measures can increase mutual understanding and reduce hostility caused by misunderstandings. The military mutual trust mechanism is a type of implementation project operated by "confidence-building measures. This article mainly discusses the mechanism of mutual trust in the military to make it helpful to the future peaceful development of the two sides of the strait, and to make cross-strait relations develop in a more sound and positive direction. This article adopts the literature analysis method in the research method, through the collection and analysis of relevant data, to understand the issues of the problem.


劉性仁,〈郝柏村兩個終結論的價值性探討〉,2011 年 8 月 28 日,《中國評論新聞網》, http://www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1018/1/4/3/101814329.html?coluid=137&kindid=4930&docid=101814329&mdate=0828005657。
劉性仁,〈兩岸軍事互信機制之探討〉,《兩岸政治爭議之研究》2013 年 4 月,頁 169。
Arms Control;”Confidence-Building Measures”,(Washington D.C.,U.S. Department of State,Bureau of Public Affairs,January 1985),p.1 Quoted in John Borawski”The World of CBMs,” in John Borawski,Avoiding
John Borawski”The World of CBMs,” in John Borawski,Avoiding
