  • 期刊


A Study on Water Resource Management: From the Perspective of Dynamic Governance


近年來,臺灣地區受全球氣候變遷的影響,常在春、秋之際發生水資源匱乏情事,政府為維持國家整體競爭力及因應水資源匱乏所引發的經濟發展危機,常以農田休耕方式,移撥農業用水供民生及工業使用,雖然農業損失的金額比工業少、忍受缺水的能力比民生強,然而,卻不知農業亦受到缺水之苦。現今,全球氣候變遷,嚴重影響水資源的供給,此種情形正應驗管理學大師彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)所言:「任何組織,無論是公司、非營利組織或是政府,在四、五十年後,當面臨外在局勢的變遷時,都要對其本身結構進行重新思考,如果它繼續以舊方式前進,就會變得無法管理和控制。」,爰此,勢須調整現行的水資源管理策略,始能因應現今的全球氣候變遷所帶來的危機。本文研究者之一為農田水利組織工作者,因此,除採文獻分析方法外亦兼採參與觀察法,研究發現,台灣地區水資源時空分布嚴重不均,水資源安全問題己嚴重關乎我國經濟社會發展的穩定與人民健康福祉,為掌握瞬息萬變的氣候變化,我們必須突破過去的老舊思想並有前瞻思維且要不斷反覆思考管理政策,運用日益成熟的智慧科技,如人工智慧、物聯網、大數據分析等,發揮跨域整合速度快的優勢,將動態水資源訊息傳送給各產業及社會各個層面,以期發揮物聯網的優勢,將全球氣候變遷所帶來的危機降至最低,並讓臺灣成為智慧創新的典範國度。


Taiwan has experienced source scarcity in recent years as a result of climate change, particularly during the spring and autumn seasons. In order to maintain overall national competitiveness and deal with an economic development dilemma caused by a lack of water supplies, the government frequently employs farm field fallowing so as to distribute agricultural water for people's daily livelihood and industrial use. Despite the fact that agricultural losses are lower than industrial losses and can tolerate water shortages better than that used for people's daily livelihood, there is less information available on agricultural water shortages. Global climate change has had a significant impact on the availability of water resources today. This situation corresponds to management guru Peter F. Drucker's statement in his work, Effective Executive, "Any organization, whether it is a company, a non-profit organization, or the government, needs to rethink its own structure when faced with changes to external situations after four or five decades. If it continues to move forward using old methods, management and control will become impossible." As a result, existing water resource management strategies must be revised in order to deal with the crisis caused by climate change. As one of this article’s researchers is a long term farmland water conservation organization worker, the article not only adopted Document analysis, but also Observation method. According to the research’s results, the water resources in Taiwan were significantly imbalanced and how to secure water supplies was greatly affected in Taiwan's economy stabilization and development, also accordingly to people's needs. To keep abreast of rapidly changing climate change, breaking through old mindsets and adopt a forward-thinking policies is critical. By implementing intelligent technology is essential, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analysis, and so on. From taking advantage of fast cross-domain integration, this is going to synchronize dynamic water resource information to various industries and all the society, in order to minimize the crisis brought by global climate change. Furthermore, this is going to make Taiwan a model country of smart innovation.


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