  • 期刊


Cultural Authenticity in Young Adult Multicultural Books




The purpose of this paper is to explore some issues of the cultural authenticity in young adult multicultural books. At first, this paper would discuss the importance of the cultural authenticity and then explore some related issues, such as insiders and outsiders, stereotypes, accuracy of the details and authenticity of values presented in young adult multicultural books. In order to include representative books that reflect diversities, this paper will explore works of Latino, Asian-American, and Native American literature for adolescents. Young adult multicultural books are one of the places to present the culture. It helps to pass on the culture from generation to generation. However, there is no distinct definition of cultural authenticity and no one set of criteria can be used to evaluate books about the culture. The most important thing is that the author is really devoted to the process. If the reader can have the sense of connection to the life experience portrayed in the story, then it is a good book and worthy reading.


