  • 期刊


The children of forever in East and West culture: Nezha v. s. Peter Pan




哪吒 彼得潘 兒童神 兒童形象


In Western culture and society as a whole, "Peter Pan" is representative of the young boy never growing up. This image is originated from children's play; yet, it is resonant with the Western imagination of a naughty child, whose image has even become an archetype in modern-day psycho-analysis. In Eastern literature, the image of the boy forever young is "Nezha". In Taiwan, "Nezha" serves as an important god-like religious figure for ordinary people. Though the figure of "Nezha" is originated from Buddhism and Taoism, his image in The Legend of Deification - the naughty, rebellious and brave boy - has been passed down by words of mouth. Why is this image of a boy forever young so popular? When the Eastern and Western boy meet, do they reflect any significant culture differences? This paper aims to explore the ways the East and the West shape images of children by discussing two famous naughty boys in Eastern and Western literature - Peter Pan and "Nezha" - with detailed analysis of Peter Pan and The Legend of Deification.


Nezha Peter Pan naughty child images of children
