  • 期刊


Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong and Pacific war: the Cultural memory of Japan in the Children Literature Enterprise of Ho Tsz


何紫(1938-1991)為香港著名的兒少文學(兒童及少年文學)作家。他從寫作、出版到籌辦兒童文藝協會,形成了一個宏大的知識網絡,推動香港戰後兒童及青年小說的發展。他的兒少文學像同類型的讀物般,主題以灌輸知識及德育為主,內容簡單平實。他一生以身感召別人,證明投身兒少文學創作的意義,並創辦出版社兼孕育年青作家,這點就殊不簡單。他經營的出版社,秉承曾留學日本的夏丏尊、葉紹鈞等人五四後創辦開明書店的概念,也就是「自己的書、自己出版」,以此貫徹自己為香港開墾的出版土地,讓同心者一起去耕耘。何紫不單是香港兒少文學作家,更是重要的文化人。 事實上,過去學界沒有注意的是,何紫的一生,與日本結下了不解緣。早年他受盡太平洋戰爭之苦,父親被日軍捉去當人體試驗而早逝,經歷了「三年零八個月」戰爭期間物質匱乏之苦;戰後被迫輟學,家計困難。不過,何紫卻沒有受戰爭陰霾的困擾,他的傳記刻畫不少日本侵華的文化記憶,而他一生矢志通過知識理性去了解日本。他大量閱讀有關日本的書籍,並深受日本平民於戰後重建家園的精神感染。當香港於80年代成為東亞「哈日」文化轉銷站的時候,何紫出版深度閱讀日本的優質讀物。他的小說飽含中港及中日兩地人民交往的細緻感情,帶出兩地人民戰後自強的精神。何紫了解日本文化的方法,是從漢譯日本著作及知日作家著作而來。他只懂看日文著作上的漢字,卻能抽取大意。這固然是何紫學習日本的方法,但亦可能是大部分香港人掌握了基本日語後,於節奏急速的香港快捷地、折衷地、轉折地追趕現代日本文化的讀書手段。在某層次上,這貌似梁啟超(1873-1929)於晚清時提倡的「和文漢讀法」。固然,何紫與梁啟超並不存於同一時空去了解中日關係,但本文既利用梁啟超的「和文漢讀法」、但又顛倒這閱讀方法而來,概括稱之為「『漢』文『和』讀法」,以了解何紫於小說中利用「和讀」的方法戲稱主角漢名的深意。這既反映了何紫於70年代經濟騰飛的香港,如何急速地追趕現代日本文化成就;同時,本文亦以此反映他希望轉換視角去看待中日關係。本文著重分析何紫小說中的日本因素外,更會結合他一生身為香港戰後一代,如何利用文教事業,走出戰爭陰霾而超出狹隘的民族主義,以文學文化超越政治,並以此了解他如何勉勵年輕人虛心學習日本。


Hailed as the Hong Kong Andersen, Ho Tsz (1938-1991) was once a household name for Hong Kong's Children and Youth Literature. He was a writer, a publisher, the owner of an independent bookstore, and the founder of the Children's Art Society. In the 1970s-90s, he was the center of a vigorous intellectual network in the local literary scene. There is a simple motto behind all of his cultural enterprises: to inculcate social values and arouse passion for literature in the children. In the last 20 years, extensive researches have been carried out and numerous commemorative activities performed to Ho Tsz's honor. But as for his literary career, studies remain largely limited to his influence on the children literature. Rarely has it been noticed that the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong had hugely shaped Ho Tsz's purpose of life and overall attitude towards literature. He survived the psychological, historical and economic hardships with a traumatic memory. But he also saw something important in the Japanese way of modernization, especially the way Japan resurrected itself in the 1970s as a cultural and economic superpower in East Asia. In his literary writings, Ho Tsz laid out a humanistic approach to dealing with the historical intricacies in regard to Japan, on how to forgive and forgo the Sino- Japanese relationships. This paper will offer a close reading of his literary text and biography in order to discern the worldviews that underpin his writing ethos.
