  • 期刊


From Entertainment to Healing Powers: Re-write the Road to Happiness in Children's and Young Adult's Literature


筆者發現,後印刷時代的改編與改寫研究仍多側重載體轉換或版本比較。本次論文大膽嘗試以西方兒少文學的「主題式轉向」為主軸,論說兒少文學追尋幸福之路的「改寫」。確實,尤其在論說兒少幸福之路的改寫部分,「改寫」一詞含有隱喻作用,此為本文大膽嘗試之處。本次論文結構分為:「前言」,說明並釐清本論文的論說理由及路線,其後接續四部份的討論,依次為:一、教育功能的轉向;二、天上人間的幸福之路;三、以「青鳥」為例的幸福之路;四、結語及後續省思。此篇論文著重於後印刷時代潮流下,兒少文學的「主題式」改寫與轉向,不同於一般針對改編或改寫的載體轉換或版本比較。希冀激盪出在側重載體轉換與版本比較的同時,擴大視域範圍,研討兒少文學於「主題上」的轉向,以符應所謂改編或改寫(adaptation or re-writing)研究中亦重視因應時代價值觀的更迭,於近當代兒少文學中的表現。是以,本文提出重視近當代兒少文學中「傷痕文學」的興起,並結論不論成人或兒少讀者切莫盲目追尋兒少作品所提供的娛樂性,而更該共讀筆者所謂之兒少文學中的「傷痕文學」,以理解當代大小公民的情感教育,與其中兒少所經驗的情緒波折與動盪。


Different from the common approaches to contemporary adaptation and re-writing research, this thesis boldly argues for the thematic turn and "rewritings" of contemporary children's literature and young adult's literature. Particularly in terms of "the road to Happiness in Children's and Young Adult Fiction" as the thesis's subtitle emphasizes, the term "re-writing" will be unavoidly used for its metaphoric function. The thesis is structured as follows: firstly, the importance of "Foreword" lies in clarifying the thesis's intention and ensuing discussion route; the second part concerns a "thematic" paradigm shift in children's literature, examining the shift from worldly path in tandem with its civic education of emotions and feelings to secularized path to happiness, including the thematic shift to survivance. As to the third part of this thesis' discussion, the "blue bird" is usually taken to be a symbol that signifies the route to happiness. Hence, the third part takes the blue bird story as example to demonstrate even the blue bird story together with its signifying function has changed, adapting to today's child-adult relationship as well as the blue bird's secularized re-writings. The thesis sums up to the conclusion that children and adults alike are in dire need to pay attention to contemporary children's literature's and young adult fiction's thematic paradigm shift (i.e., filled with emotional scars and wounded feelings), in order to better comprehend the need of contemporary children's wants and needs in reality, and to better understand how such wants and needs in reality are represented in today's children's and young adult literature. The traditional civic emotional education has changed, so does the thematic foci of children's and young adult's literature.
