  • 期刊


Correlation Between Learning Adjustment and Learning Motivation in Senior Elementary School Students in Hsinchu City


本研究旨在了解國小高年級學生,學習適應與學習動機的情形及不同背景變項之差異,並探討二者之間的關聯。研究採問卷調查方式,以新竹市一國民小學五、六年級學生為研究對象,共349人,以獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關分析等方法分析學生在二量表(學習適應量表和學習動機量表)中的填答結果。研究結論如下:一、受試學生的學習適應和學習動機表現尚屬良好,以「學習環境」和「控制信念」得分最高,「學習方法」和「期望成功」得分最低;二、女生在學習適應和學習動機上顯著優於男生;三、六年級學生的學習動機表現顯著優於五年級學生,但在學習適應上則無顯著差異;四、家庭社經地位高的學生,學習適應和學習動機優於家庭社經地位低的學生;五、學生的學習適應和學習動機之間具有顯著正相關,男生高於女生,六年級學生高於五年級學生;六、「學習方法」和學生學習動機的相關性較大。而「內在目標導向」、「工作價值」、「控制信念」、「自我效能」及「期望成功」與學生的學習適應較有關聯。


The objectives of this study were to examine the current state of senior elementary school students’ learning adjustment and learning motivation, to identify the differences in learning adjustment and learning motivation resulting from differences in background, and to explore the correlation between learning adjustment and learning motivation. A total of 349 fifth-and sixth-grade students at a Hsinchu City elementary school were surveyed using a questionnaire. Results were analyzed using statistical methods, including the independent t test, 1-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The main results are summarized as follows: (a) The students had a good state of learning adjustment and learning motivation, performing the highest in the learning environment and control of beliefs aspects but the lowest in the learning method and expectancy for success aspects. (b) Significant differences were evident between genders. Girls had better learning adjustment and learning motivation than boys. (c) Although no significant difference in learning adjustment was observed between grades, the sixth-grade students' control of beliefs, self-efficacy, expectancy for success, and general learning motivation were superior to those of the fifth-grade school students. (d) Significant differences existed between socioeconomic statuses (SESs) in learning adjustment and learning motivation. Students with a higher SES performed higher than those with a lower SES. (e) A positive correlation existed between general learning adjustment and general learning motivation. This correlation was higher in boys than in girls and higher in the sixth-grade students than in the fifth grade students. (f) The learning methods factor had the strongest correlation with learning motivation, whereas intrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of beliefs, self-efficacy, and expectancy for success had strong correlations with learning adjustment.


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