  • 期刊


An Approach to Bettering the History Curriculum Guideline Revision through Reflection on the Dispute Aroused on Revising the Parts of the History of China




Ever since the history of China was included in Eastern Asia History within the launch of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, controversial comments have been provoked. These controversial comments are nothing new because these facts presented in history education have long been pointed out of political perception. Students being able to apply what is learned and their autonomy in learning are among the core competences of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. To have these competences forged in history education, whether students' capacity in history thinking is to be facilitated plays a very essential role. Instead of arguing over which historical facts should be compiled into the curriculum, educators should focus on why history is to be studied, how the organization of the course should be adjusted accordingly and what can be done to refine inquiry and practice lesson planning. The dispute over the history of China can barely be settled until educators re-evaluate the ultimate goals of history education, its course organization, the importance of initiating history thinking, and the appropriate revision process of history curriculum guidelines.


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