  • 期刊


Eastward and Westward Ferries With Passes Linking Kuan-nei Tao and Ho-tung Tao in the Time of T'ang


The boundary of Kuan-nei Tao (關內道) and Ho-tung Tao (河東道) in the time of T'ang was the Yellow River. Both Kuan-nei Tao and Ho-tung Tao were important military districts in defence against the invasion of northern barbarians. In order to strengthen the communications between these two Taos, nine ferries With Passes were established along the Yellow River from the north to the south. These ferries made communications easier and also facilitated the suppression of illegalities. From the north to the south, these ferries were: (1) Yü Lin Pass (榆林關), situated in the place where the present Min-sheng Chu (民生渠 ancient Yellow River) and Hei Ho (黑河) meet. (2) Ho-pin Pass (河濱關), was the ancient Chun-tzu Chin (君子津), situated in the southwest of the present Ch'ing-shui-ho Hsien (清水河線). (3) Ho-ho Pass (合河關), its site was in the north of the mouth of Wei-fen Ho (蔚汾河), about 80 Li northwest of the present Hsing Hsien (興縣). (4) Meng-men Pass (孟門關), situated in the east of the present Wu-pao Hsien (吳堡縣). (5) Yung-ho Pass (永和關), situated between the present Yen-ch'uan Hsien (延川縣) and Yung-ho Hsien (永和縣). (6) Ma-men Pass (馬門關), situated between the present Ta-ning Hsien (大寧縣) and Yen-ch'ang Hsien (延長縣). (7) Wu-jen Pass (烏仁關), its site was in the lower reaches of Shih Ts'ao (石槽), namely, Hu K'ou (壺口), in the east of the present I-ch'uan Hsien (宜川縣). (8) Lung-men Pass (龍門關), situated in the mouth of Lung Men (龍門), northeast of the present Han-cheng Hsien (韓城縣) and northwest of the present Ho-chin Hsien (河津縣). Where the Yellow River is as narrow as 80 paces and both of its banks are extremely steep. (9) P'u-chin Pass (蒲津關), was one of the six superior passes in the time of K'ai Yuan (開元). This pass was the most important thoroughfare from the areas north of the Yellow River westward to Kuan-chung (關中) since the ancient times. It situated in the east of the present Ch'ao-i Hsien (朝邑縣) and between the present Yung-chi Hsien (永濟縣) and the present Ping-min Hsien (平民縣), and its name, P'u Chin, is still used today. All these ferries, among which P'u-chin Pass was on the post road leading from Chang-an to Tai-yuan, Ho-ho Pass and Meng-men pass were also on the post road linking Kuan-nei Tao and Ho-tung Tao, prove that traffic between Kuan-nei Tao and Ho-tung Tao was very busy in the time of T'ang.


