  • 期刊


Practicing and Looking: Visual Culture and the Way of Looking in Ming-Yi Wu's Novel




視覺文化 吳明益 自然寫作


As the leading representative of nature writing in Taiwan, Ming-Yi Wu developed a new style with his special natural view. When we compare his comments with his novels, we can find a special way of looking as "multi-panorama", and the basic attitude to "looking from distance". We will try to show this archetype way of Wu's work and discuss the affects of Modern Visual Culture to the writers in the new age. In the first three sections we will focus on the issue of "Looking". First we will analyze Wu's innovation of nature writing and reveal his ecological ethic. Second, we will connect a series of his novel's characters to show how he turned his ecological ethic to build an archetype way of looking. And then we will take this archetype to discuss how the world view and reality conception change in Wu's novels. In the last two sections we will focus on the issue of "Practices" which actually means "Media". In section four, we will starts from Wu's changes of world view, and take a review of the affection of modern visual culture. In the last section, we want to think about how different media makes different representation.


Visual Culture Ming-Yi Wu Nature Writing


吳明益:《本日公休》(臺北:九歌出版,1997 年10 月)。
吳明益:《虎爺》(臺北:九歌出版,2003 年2 月)。
吳明益:《以書寫解放自然:臺灣現代自然書寫的探索》(臺北:大安出版社,2004 年11 月)。
申惠豐:〈論吳明益自然書寫中的美學思想〉,《臺灣文學研究學報》第10 期(2010 年4 月),頁81-115。
