  • 期刊


The Songs of Yi and the Dance of Pa: The Performance and Yihsia Thinking of Payu Dance in Han Palace




巴渝舞 夷夏 宮廷禮樂


This article focuses on Han which the Payu dance first became the ceremony in the palace. By analyzing the performance and situation of Payu dance in the palace, the characteristics of Payu dance which are accompanying with drums and dancing with weapons could be noticed. Besides, we can also point out the particularity that Payu dance performed in banquets and religious rituals in Han palace with exotic music and dancing style. It not only because the performance of Payu dance corresponded the military dance tradition originated in Chou dynasty, but also relied on its religious characteristic which came from Pa tribe. In addition, Payu dance performed widely in the palace with its exotic style. The thinking could be traced back to "Chouli", which used the music from other tribes (Ssuyi ) as the ceremony. In the standard thinking based on Huahsia form Pre-Qin, the performance of music from other tribes became an announce of the orthodox dominance for Huahsia regime. But in the same time, the exotic music and dance in the palace also faced the challenges from the standard thinking based on Huahsia and eventually faded away from the palace. In the end, this article discusses about the original performers of Payu dance which were called "Panshunman" and point out that because their special living place which was in the boundary between Yi and Hsia. The Panshunman was not only the divide of Yihsia culture, but also played an important role in the fontier defense. In that case, to keep performing Payu dance in Han palace was not only for entertainment, but also an eusurance for the dominance.


Payu dance Yihsia Ceremony in the palace


漢‧鄭玄:《毛詩鄭箋》,臺北:新興書局,1993 年。
漢‧班固撰,唐‧顏師古注:《漢書》,臺北:鼎文書局,1986 年。
漢‧陸賈:《新語》,臺北:世界書局,1989 年。
漢‧司馬遷撰,劉宋‧裴駰集解,唐‧司馬貞索隱,唐‧張守節正義:《史記》,臺北:鼎文書局,1981 年。
漢‧桓寬:《鹽鐵論》,臺北:世界書局,1967 年。
