  • 期刊


The Formation of the view of Shijing-elegant Style in Wei-Jin Period and its Inter-influence with the Elegant Poetry Style in Western Jin Dynasty




詩經 典雅 西晉詩歌 雅化 風格論


"Elegance", as an important concept of ancient Chinese literary criticism, its derivative is relating to the perspective of "Revering the Classics" in Six Dynasty, especially the interpretation of Shijing. However, the scholars in this area, most of them only focused on Wen Xin Diao Long, and they underestimated the importance of the view of Shijing-elegant style in Wei-Jin period, as well as its relationship with the poetry style in Western Jin Dynasty. The argument of this article mainly focuses on: firstly, the author briefly introduces the concept of "Elegance" before Wei-Jin period, in order to confirm its establishment. It derived from the distinguishment between elegant music and folk music, and the criticism of the Fu genre. Secondly, according to the perspective of literary criticism, the author demonstrates the view of Shijing- elegant style was formed between the period of Jian'an and the Western Jin Dynasty. This evidence is based on the literatures and the poetry with Shijing style in that period. Finally, on the basis of the content above, the author reviews the existing explanation of the reason why the elegant poetry style in Western Jin Dynasty became popular. The existing atmosphere-biased perspectives have been re-explored based on the viewpoints between Chinese literature and literary criticism.


Shijing Elegant Style Western Jin Poetry


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李時銘:〈「鄭聲淫」在經學上的糾葛及其音樂問題〉,《逢甲人文社會學報》第2期,2001 年5 月,頁39-71
汪祚民:《詩經文學闡釋史(先秦─隋唐)》,北京:人民出版社,2005 年。
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