  • 期刊


The Flow of Morality, Sentiments and Sensuality in Jin Ping Mei Based on the Portrayal of Curtains




明代 金瓶梅 道德 情慾 簾子


This study focuses on the 'curtains' portrayed in Jin Ping Mei and their frequent appearance in the novel. The curtains herein are not merely static objects or props for spatial decoration; rather, combined with elements from the novel, the curtains carry the unique emotions expressed by the author and play the special role of a 'key image' in the narrative structure of the novel. The practical and decorative functions of curtains are useful for screening and beautifying spaces. Moreover, with the different materials and characteristics of the curtains as a transparent separation, and the change of the characters' relative position, the novel amplifies the influence of curtains on the arrangement of the plot and the changes of the characters' psychology. The author repeatedly placed the description of curtains in specific sections to suggest that the curtains contain moral references to the sense of shame, a symbolic meaning that penetrates the entire novel, and provided us with a reference to contemplate the transition from 'concealing oneself' to 'crossing the boundary' as the character wavers ambiguously between morality and lust. In short, the portrayal of curtains in the novel possesses an essential and objective functional discourse and extensions of cultural and moral connotations. This research intends to observe the recurring curtains in Jin Ping Mei to analyze the novel's multilevel and rich connotation of character creation, character psychology, and theme expression.


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