  • 期刊


A New Study on Guo Xiang-zheng by Using the Newly Discovered Essay "Zuiyin xiansheng zhuan"




Based on archival work and literary criticism, this paper makes use of new materials and offers novel insights into the research on Guo Xiang-zheng. First, it examines a piece of collected works, Leibian cenglan wenxuan, of the Yuan dynasty, which was available in the Shanghai Library. Leibian cenglan wenxuan complies a lost essay "Zuiyin xiansheng zhuan (The Biography of Scholar Zui-Yin)" written by Guo. This newly discovered essay has not been included in Guo's monograph, nor has it been mentioned by previous studies. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a new source for expanding the research of Guo. Second, by using the discovered essay, this paper investigates Guo's reclusive life, his detached mentality, and his interests in keeping the true being. Also, this paper elaborates on Guo's poetic concept of poetry, which views poetry as a natural expression of inner emotions, and emphasizes that the function of poetry is to please oneself. Finally, by linking "Zuiyin xiansheng zhuan" with Tao Yuan-Ming's "Wuliu xiansheng zhuan (The Biography of Scholar Wu-Liu)", this paper puts forward a new explanation of the origin and the style of Guo's poetry. It concludes that Tao Yuan-Ming's poetry, which provided a model for Guo Xiang-zheng to imitate actively, infused Guo's poetry with a new style. Guo's poetry is not only "bold and unconstrained" but also "plain and natural".


衣若芬:〈不繫之舟:吳鎮及其「漁父圖卷」題詞〉,《思與言》45 卷第 3 期,2007年 9 月,頁 117-186。DOI:10.6431/TWJHSS.200709.0117
西漢‧毛亨傳,東漢‧鄭玄箋,唐‧孔穎達等正義:《毛詩正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1981 年,影印清嘉慶二十年[1815]江西南昌府學刊本。
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東晉‧陶淵明著,袁行霈箋注:《陶淵明集箋注》,北京:中華書局,2003 年。
梁‧鍾嶸著,王叔岷箋證:《鍾嶸詩品箋證稿》,北京:中華書局,2007 年。
