  • 期刊


The Authorial Commentary in Fan Zhongyan's Epitaph Writings




范仲淹 神道碑 墓誌銘 墓表 作者立場


The study focuses on the epitaph writings of Fan Zhongyan (989-1052). Practicing his own methodology, Fan Zhongyan made comments and criticisms in his epitaph writings for the occupants of tombs during Song Dynasty (960-1279). The main goal of this article is to probe into the influences of diversities of interactions between Fan Zhongyan's epitaph writings and those of the tomb occupants'. This research was undertaken through the following three steps: 1. An organization and analysis of Fan Zhongyan's epitaph writings with relationships between Fan Zhongyan's and the tomb owners'. 2. An establishment of the characteristics of the "authorial commentary" in Fan Zhongyan's epitaph writings. 3. A cross-referenced discussion of the various topics discussed in Fan's epitaph writings. First, we comprehensively gather the epitaphs written by Fan Zhongyan, through which we will aim to study early Northern Song Dynasty (960-1057) epitaphs. On the basis of historical events dating to this period, we attempt to analyze and compare the relationships between Fan and the tomb occupants. In so doing, we gain a multi-facet portrait of the author. Second, on the basis of the relationships between Fan and the tomb occupants, we discover how Fan applied his literary techniques to his epitaph writings, creating a diversity of identities, including "recorder," a "critic," and a "participant." Third, we glimpse how, using his own methods, Fan filled epitaphs with diverse commentary. This fact illustrates how Fan polished the controversial issues raised by the tomb owners. In addition, from the comments in his epitaph writings, we learn what Fan's political and military viewpoints were. This study will hopefully provide researchers and readers with a more detailed analysis of Fan's epitaph writings, so as to narrow the gap between Chinese literature and history. The author also hopes that this study will facilitate further research into epitaph writings dating from the Song Dynasty.


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