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Mourning and Reconstructing: The Aesthetics of Losers in Zhang Yihe's Prose




Identifying as a loser can be done in both self-deprecating and ironic ways. As the daughter of Zhang Bojun, "China's number one rightist" appointed by Mao Zedong, Zhang Yihe witnessed the political persecution of her parents and their peers during the Anti-Rightist Campaign and the Cultural Revolution. Despite being losers in the political campaign, they possessed a spirit of eternal victory. This article uses this aspect of Zhang Yihe's personal background to explore how she writes about losers and how she constructs the aesthetics of losers in her works. Compared with the "scar literature" that has existed since the 1980s-in which authors often expose large amounts of their personal traumatic experiences during the Cultural Revolution-Zhang Yihe's prose does not use the "I" as its only lyrical subject, and instead depicts the "losers" of her father's generation from the perspective of a latecomer. As her own personal voice takes part in the action of mourning, her writing thus possesses two layers of lyrical voices. Zhang's reminiscences of losers demonstrates that she is not only committed to reconstructing the humanistic spirit of the past, but also that she makes an attempt to keep "sentiments" in mind while writing narratives and histories. In order to blend personal sentiments with historical narratives, Zhang uses a "fragmented" writing style, intertwines both undemonstrative and passionate tones, and focuses on objects and spaces. In conclusion, by carving spiritual heritage bestowed by the losers, Zhang Yihe creates her own unique lyrical prose aesthetics of losers.


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