  • 期刊


The Status and Prospect of Machinery Industry in Taiwan


2017 年全球經濟復甦腳步持續且更加穩固,油價及匯率預估趨於穩定。2017 年臺灣整體機械產業產值約新台幣9,483 億元,較2016 年成長5.7%;2017 年台灣工具機總產值1,374 億元,較2016 年成長13.4%;2017 年臺灣半導體及面板生產設備(含相關零組件)產值預估為新台幣1,493 億元,較2016 年成長15.1%;機械傳動元件及流體機械次產業項目,亦均有二位數以上之成長率,分別為30.2%及11.3%之成長。


The global economic experienced a steady recovery in 2017 with steady oil price and exchange rate. In 2017, the revenue of machinery industry in Taiwan is NTD 948.2 billion. The growth rate is up to 5.7% compared with 2016. The revenue of machine tool industry in Taiwan is NTD 137.4 billion with a growth rate which is 13.4% compared with 2016. The revenue of semiconductor and display equipment industry in Taiwan is NTD 149.3 billion and grew by 15.1% compared with 2016. Mechanical transmission components and fluid machinery manufacturing also achieved double-digit growths which are 30.2% and 11.3% respectively.
