  • 期刊


Industrial Communication and Information Model for Plastics and Rubber Machinery


隨歐洲塑料和橡膠機械製造商協會(EUROMAP)針對工業4.0制定了EUROMAP 77及EUROMAP 83標準,以作為射出成型機(Injection Moulding Machines, IMM)與製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)之間資料交換的新工業標準規範。MES由收集來自IMM設備的生產資訊,可以有助於生產品質的掌控,及工令、參數檔案的管理。EUROMAP與OPC基金會合作共同制定了資訊模型,由於此標準乃植基於OPC UA的工業通訊標準,不僅具備資料通訊安全性、資料交換可靠性的優點,並且為跨平台的通訊規範,可提供不同供應商設備間的資料通訊。本文將介紹EUROMAP 83及EUROMAP 77的資訊模型,及說明結合國內IMM控制器廠商,合作開發符合EUROMAP標準的應用實例。


The EUROMAP (European Plastics and Rubber Machinery) released EUROMAP 77 and EUROMAP 83 standards for Industry 4.0. The new industry standard EUROMAP 77 describes the interface between injection molding machines (IMM) and manufacturing execution system (MES) for data exchange. MES is used for collecting the information generated by IMM at a central point for easier quality assurance and job/dataset management. The target of EUROMAP 77 is to provide a unique interface for IMM and MES from different manufacturers to ensure compatibility. The information models are based on OPC UA, a communication framework developed and provided by the OPC Foundation. OPC UA has several advantages over information transformation including data communication security, data exchange reliability, cross-platform communication specification and data communication between different manufacturers. This article will introduce the information model of EUROMAP 83 and EUROMAP 77. An example illustrating the implementation of information model for IMM controller is given.
