  • 期刊


Development and Implementation of Visual Intelligent Human Machine Control Interface


為了降低編輯運動控制程式之專業門檻,並提供易於入門之操作環境,本研究於PC-Based控制器中針對六軸機械手臂與生產線周邊設備,提出一個易學、易理解、易操作的視覺化智慧人機控制介面。此人機控制介面採用流程圖之概念設計視覺化程式語言(Visual programming language, VPL),使用者可透過拖曳、連結不同功能區塊之方式,實現生產線控制流程之建立與調整。此介面後端以混合式編譯器作為VPL之運行核心,並將工研院機械所之運動控制函式庫(Motion Control Command Library, MCCL)包裝為Python語法之程式應用介面(Application Programming Interface, API),使本研究提出之VPL可順利轉換為供直譯器執行之控制函式。


To reduce the professional threshold of editing motion control programs and provide an easier operating environment, a visual intelligent human-machine control interface is proposed in this research. The interface is easy to learn, easy to understand, and easy to operate in a PC-based controller for the six-axis robot arm and the peripheral equipment of a production line. Through the flowchart-based Visual Programming Language (VPL), users can set up and adjust the control process by dragging and linking different functional blocks. The hybrid compiler is used in the back-end of the interface as the core of the VPL. The Motion Control Command Library (MCCL) of ITRI is packaged as an Application Programming Interface (API) in Python syntax. The VPL can be converted into a control function for literal translation.
