  • 期刊


The Development of Information Exchange for Digital Metrology -Angular Positioning Error of Machine Tool Rotary Axes as the Example


多軸工具機於生產過程進行檢測與校正的常用市售量測儀器,皆僅能產生量測數值與量測趨勢曲線,使用者往往多以人工方式將量測所得之誤差資訊,以手動方式輸入至控制器廠內補償表。隨工廠數位化層次提高,本研究結合工業技術研究院量測技術發展中心研發之可攜式連續角度參考標準件(PoCAS),以統一的資料交換格式與全球既有的SI單位制度為基礎,使用可延伸標記式語言(Extensible Markup Language, XML)作為共通的數位資料交換格式,訂定資料交換架構,使得IoT(物聯網)內傳遞之計量資料皆可具備“數位校正報告(Digital Calibration Certificates, DCC)”之功能,供業者於機台交予客戶端用的調機後證明文件。


The commercialized measurement tools used in multi-axes machinery equipment for product inspection and calibration can only generate measurement data and data trend; and the users normally import the measurement errors manually to a compensation table built in the equipment controlling system. As an increasing need for data digitalization, ITRI Precision Mechanical Metrology Research Laboratory develops a portable continuous angle standards (PoCAS), which is based on a unified data exchange format and global SI unit. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used as the common digital data exchange format to establish data exchange framework, so that the quantified data delivered within IoT are equipped with a function to generate Digital Calibration Certificates (DCC), which allows the vendor to offer as an equipment certificate for customer validation.
