  • 期刊


The Real-time Measuring Module for Detecting Thermal Expansion of Spindle


隨著全球疫情缺工、高人力成本及高效高品質生產管理的需求,智慧製造與數位轉型已經是現代製造產業鏈的發展趨勢。其不可或缺的便是感測層的導入,以及結合數位智慧化分析技術來了解機台狀態,並進行適當的補償或發出即時預警資訊,藉此提昇設備加工品質及運轉能力。CNC加工機以高速高精度為發展目標,影響加工精度的因素很多,而熱變位佔了整體誤差50%以上,其中又以主軸軸向熱變形為最大。為發展CNC加工設備智慧化,本文介紹主軸軸向熱伸長即時檢測為應用之位移感側器(Gap Sensor)最新發展。


Because of the global labor shortage due to COVID-19, the increasing labor cost, and the demand for management of high quality and efficient production, intelligent manufacturing and digital transformation becomes a trend for developing contemporary production chain. Introduction of sensing layer and digital intelligent analysis technology to acquire machine status is indispensable to make appropriate machining compensation or release a warning in time, so that the production quality and processing capability of the equipment can be enhanced. The CNC machine tool aims at achieving high speed and high precision. There are many factors that affect machining accuracy, and the effect of the thermal displacement accounts for more than 50% of overall errors. Axial thermal expansion of spindle is the major direction error in particular. In order to develop intelligent CNC machining equipment, this article will introduce the development of gap sensing module for measuring thermal expansion of spindle axis.
