  • 期刊


The Challenge of Self-Driving Logistics Vehicle Operated in Downtown




In order to solve the pain points faced by the logistics operators, such as the difficulty of recruiting professional drivers, the high cost of warehousing acquisition and transportation safety, the team, which is established by HCT Logistics Company, Hsinchu City Government and the Mechanical and Mechatronics System Research Labs (MMSL) of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), applied for and passed the Unmanned Vehicles Technology Innovative Experimentation Program in July 2021, and was approved to start tests in public road in October of the same year. Starting from the pain points of the logistics operators, this program uses the self-driving logistics vehicles provided by MMSL to assist logistics operators to verify the feasibility of self-driving logistics services operated between two logistics offices of HCT in the downtown of Hsinchu City, and promote the implementation of self-driving logistics services and transportation, which is independently developed by Taiwan, in the public road with mixed traffic flow.


TuSimple, https://www.tusimple.com/
Waymo, https://waymo.com/intl/zh-tw/
Aurora, https://aurora.tech/
Kodiak, https://kodiak.ai/
Gatik, https://gatik.ai/
