  • 期刊


Introduction to the Dual Arm Robot System


雙臂機器人系統模仿人類雙手來進行複雜的工作,相較於單臂機器人,可處理更加複雜的任務。本文介紹了工研院機械所機器人實驗室(ITRI Robotics Lab)所開發的雙手臂機器人系統(Dual Arm Robot System, DARS)。首先介紹DARS所使用的機械手臂,接著我們介紹如何使雙手臂同時協同運動,最後介紹DARS中所搭載智慧視覺系統。


Dual arm robot system imitates human hands to perform complex tasks and handle more complex tasks than single-arm robot. This article introduces the Dual Arm Robot System (DARS) developed by ITRI Robotics Lab. First, we will introduce the robotic arms used in DARS, and then discuss how to solve the dual-arm synchronization problem, and finally, describe the intelligent vision system that being installed in DARS.


Dual arm robot system Redundant arm Vision


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